Stop Guessing With Coreg Data And Achieve 95% Accuracy.
Imagine this...
You receive a list of prospects from a data vendor...find out over 70% has wrong contact details.
This exactly what happened when we first began our data journey. We bought from every reputable data provider in the industry…yet when we actually did due diligence, it turned out that ‘John Smith from Kansas’ was in-fact ‘Stacy Chambers From Texas’.
This is due to a common process in the data world called ‘fuzzy matching’ which basically means that the data provider is making a “guess” that this person is who they say they are….
majority of this guessing is based on 'cOREG' data aka information that people provide via online forms.
This means that the entire foundation of most data sets are based on whether or not people are putting the right information via online forms they get through paid advertising from a third party. Combine this with “fuzzy matching” and it’s no wonder why most data sets have the wrong people!
Join Over 1,000+ Agency Owners and Advertisers Taking Back Control of Their Data
"The model, data and ease of use in outbound and inbound campaigns simultaneously is a game changer. I can't believe we ever did anything else before this. I can assure you no campaign of ours will ever be without this data again. Thanks for putting something into the market that is truly revolutionary."
Phillip Caillavet Founder, Service Convert.The Solution:
Combine Online With Offline
By combining online data with offline, we are able to get an accurate match that John Smith...really is John Smith.
Phase 1
Match the Email
First we match the email from over 1 billion emails.
Phase 2
Match Email to Consumer Attribute
Next we match the email to the related consumer attributes such as first name, last name, phone number etc. This usually achieved through using COREG datasets.
Phase 3
Skip Trace with Offline Data
Once we have the online attributes of an individual, we cross reference this to offline datasets.
Phase 4
Full Match Unlocked
We now have a full match of the individual with accurate email, phone number and other contact points.
Under the Hood of Our Audience Graph
US based consumers in our database.
Accuracy on fully contact data with our online2offline database.
Over 60 billion behaviours and URL's scanned every single week.
Thousands of advertisers and agencies using AudienceLab for their campaigns.